Thought it might be fun to do a series of hamsters with different objects. This little guy is about to head off to the Christmas Concert to play his trumpet.
I bought some cherries last night, mostly with a view to drawing them, but ended up really enjoying the taste of them when the sketch was done. Brought back lots of memories of my first summer job as a cherry picker, at age 12.
My granddaughter Leah sits on a rock in the St. Lawrence River during a weekend of camping with our church. I took many photos, so I hope to follow up with lots of pencil renditions of the subjects I photographed!
This portrait of my granddaughter Morrigan was done on Stonehenge Paper. The paper was too large for my scanner, so I couldn't get as good an image of it as I would have liked to....
I used Stonehenge paper for this drawing instead of my usual Strathmore Bristol Smooth. I think I know now why so many other pencil artists use this surface and I'll probably run to the art store to get some more!
Another drawing of my son, the horse trainer! I just love this scene of the two of them striding purposefully to wherever they are going! This artwork is based on a photograph taken by Amie Brown.